A Bride's Story (Official)Chapter 101
Comedy Drama Romance

Set in Central Asia in a rural town near the Caspian Sea during the 19th century, the story revolves around a young woman, Amir, who arrives from a distant village across the mountains to marry Karluk, a boy eight years her junior. The story unfolds among details of everyday family and community life. However, the peaceful atmosphere is disturbed when Amir's family demands to take her back to their village.

OtoyomegatariChapter 111
Drama Romance

Set on the Silk Road that connected Asia with Europe before the modern times. The story of Amira, a woman skilled in archery and horsemanship, sent to marry Karluk, a boy from another village who is 8 years younger than her. But all is not well, as her village decides to take her back...

A Bride's StoryChapter 109
Comedy Drama Romance

Set in a rural town near the Caspian Sea in Central Asia during the late 19th century at the Russian conquest, the story revolves around a young woman, Amir, who arrives from a distant village across the mountains to marry Karluk, a young man eight years her junior. The series follows their relationship as it develops, while introducing other story lines about various young women and their daily lives with their respective fiancés and husbands along the Silk Road.

U12 Kodomo FellowsChapter 1
Comedy Shounen

An anthology by various mangaka dealing with the theme of children.

Kyouka Ningen Monogatari - MAD WANG 1160Chapter 5

MAD WANG 1160 takes place in the year Universal Century 1160, some 1072 years after the events of the Kyouka Ningen Monogatari - Another Z Gundam Story. The three main characters, Shiva Yips, Decoder S. Wallenstein and Mell Mekanika awake from cold sleep (cryonics) in each of their colonies and are swallowed up in the Earth vs. the Outer Space Alliance's battle. The story is set in the distant future of the Universal Century timeline, departing from the normal setting of Gundam. It should be noted that the term "Gundam" is not utilized in this work, and it is one of the first UC works to implement nanotechnology in the story, which was also used â?? Gundam.

Central Asian CookingChapter 7

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sponsored a 7-part short introducing several famous Central Asian dishes and how to prepare them.

Grün BælaChapter 0

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